Republic or Amerikastan? The Rise of Islam and Communism in America!

Recent reports from Texas confirmed Sharia Law’s dominance over the United State’s Constitutional Law within a Muslim community in Dallas. This most current news however was not the first time Islam made national headlines from the Lone Star State. Back in November 2009, Army Major  Nidal Malik Hasan fatally shot 13 innocent victims while wounding more than 30 others. Although Hasan was born in America to Palestinian immigrant parents, he was raised in the Muslim belief system.  Before the massacre, concerned colleagues reported to superiors his anti-American views and behavior. .The Senate released a report declaring the tragedy as “the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil since September 11, 2001”. Additionally, this past summer, FOX News obtained a letter from the death row inmate which read, “I formally and humbly request to be made a citizen of the Islamic State. It would be an honor for any believer to be an obedient citizen soldier to a people and its leader who don’t compromise the religion of All-Mighty Allah to get along with the disbelievers.” The handwritten note was addressed to “Ameer, Mujahid Dr. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi”.

Moreover, a group of over a hundred Americans protested a secret Islamic meeting in Garland, Texas. The event titled “Stand with the Prophet” was even blacked out to all media. The “behind closed doors” assembly included a keynote speech by Siraj Wahhaj, who once disturbingly proclaimed, “It is my duty and our duty as Muslims to replace the U.S. Constitution with the Quran.”

All the Islamic activity in the second largest state in the Union may seem shocking considering Texas pride consists of mainly Christian conservatism and patriotism, yet a map released back in 2011 on shows Texas as one of seven states with over 100 mosques within their borders. The high number of mosques reflects the Arabic population change in America which has tripled since September 11, 2001. In fact, the Association of Religion Data cites that Islam is the fastest growing religion in America while Christian church attendance is dwindling.

The rise of Islam in the USA is definitely creating an influential impact. A few months ago in Minnesota, Muslim activists were demanding food stamps meet their standards. (The food stamp program provides an EBT card which functions like a credit card.  Recipients simply select the food items they want or need, so there is no need to make demands.)  Two years ago, Muslim hackers targeted U.S. Banks demanding the removal of the video “Innocence of Muslims” from YouTube.  Islamic activists continue to demand that all law enforcement agencies in America be “re-trained” while an audit of all intelligence and educational material be conducted with a removal of any offensive language against Islam. Now the Arabic community is up in arms with Clint Eastwood’s record-breaking film AMERICAN SNIPER and demanding he and actor Bradley Cooper denounce what they believe to be “Islamophobic”.

However not all Americans are concerned, in fact those labeling themselves ‘progressives’ are loudly denouncing anyone opposed to the rapid increase of Muslims in America as silly “racist hating rednecks”.. Of course the American deconstructionists always utilize the same old-tired-Saul Alinsky-type mantra for all Free Republic issues including borders, marriage, second amendment, public education, prayer, an attempt to ’emotionally’ divert from facts. Fortunately many individuals realize the ‘name callers’ are truly the real “haters” (of the Constitutional Republic) embracing statism with a strong desire to “fundamentally transform America”.

Albeit, not all Muslims are out to maim ‘infidels’.  Genuinely I have personally enjoyed the company of past Muslim practicing friends who loved America and our culture while rebuking all acts of terrorism.  Yet as one of my friends stated, “I am considered a ‘bad’ Muslim with “Western ways'”. Indeed, since a verse in the Quran reads, “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them” . Perhaps this verse is archaic, yet a site for Muslim ‘witnessing” nervously explains how to answer the question, “Does Islam say kill the infidels?”.

Unfortunately an alarming incident occurred in Oklahoma which indicates some Muslims indeed literally translate verses in the Quran to “strike off the heads” of all Allah “disbelievers”. A mere four months ago Alton Nolen, a Muslim convert,  terrorized a community in Moore by stabbing two women multiple times in addition to beheading one of the victims before a county deputy was able to mortally wound Nolen.

Outside the United States, two days ago, ISIS claimed to have severed the head of Japanese journalist Kenji Goto  In a video intended for the Japanese government, the following message was stated, “You, like your foolish allies in the satanic coalition, have yet to understand that we, by Allah’s grace, are a large Islamic caliphate with authority and power and an entire army thirsty for your blood.”  However many liberty defenders are not convinced the beheadings are real and believe the recent ISIS videos are simply “threats” to invoke fear.  In fact #teamwakeemup compiled a montage of experts advocating that the American journalist James Foley video was staged.

Another event considered a staged hoax involving Muslims is the infamous 9/11. Nearly 14 years later, many questions still unanswered, including a still inconclusive ‘9/11 Commission Report’. Regardless of one’s opinion on the matter, Albert Pike’s plan appears to be fully implemented in America today. Back in 1871, the Freemason leader who declared “Lucifer to be the true light” wrote the following: The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.”  He further wrote: “This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity ….”

Pike also believed that communism was the form of government required for total control: “Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm.”  True to his vision communism is also on the rise in America with both increased party membership and activity including participation in the recent force of Ferguson-inspired riots nationwide.

Americans can no longer ignore the agenda to destroy the Republic which includes participation of our politicians. We the people must demand real answers in regard to connections Obama may have with the Muslim Brotherhood.  Why did our alleged “President” apologize for America in his speech in Cairo? Why did The State Department admit yesterday “…that it misled reporters about a recent delegation of Muslim Brotherhood leaders and allies” here on our soil?

In addition to raising questions, Americans must be aware that our congress now consists of both Muslims and communists in congress. And just a few short weeks away from the beginning of this past Advent Season an Imam with connection to the Muslim Brotherhood delivered a “prayer” to Allah in Congress. Furthermore, the organization Muslim Congress states on their website the following goal: “…is to excel and enhance the Muslim cause”  in addition to “retaining the values of the pure Muhammadan (saawa) Islam.”

Besides the growing political influence, the controversial Common Core “education” in public schools includes lessons on Islam. Alarmed parents and students across the country are showing Muslim propaganda material in various studies including vocabulary lessons. Although school administrators are attempting to hide or justify the lessons, more reports are surfacing from California to Tennessee. proving an anti-American agenda. Before the complete implementation of the new “standards”, the Council on American Islamic Relations Co-Founder, Nihad Awad asserted “There are historical accounts according to which the Muslims preceded Columbus, who is said to have discovered the U.S.,” and “Some documents and accounts indicate that Muslim seafarers were the first to  reach the U.S., [so] the bottom line is that Islam played a part in the establishment and development of the U.S.,”

In contrast to the above examples, Christians and liberty-minded patriots are being persecuted throughout the nation.  From bakers and florists being punished for their beliefs to Christian students being suspended for saying bless you.  Even Pastors today are not immune from the current trend in America to mock and file lawsuits against believers of Christ.

In conjunction with the persecution of Constitution and Bible loving Americans, the government has increased tyranny within our borders from the Patriot Act to alleged increased “security” while the porous border continues to bring an insurgence of criminal trespassers.  In addition, we are experiencing a complete shredding of our Bill of Rights including Free Speech oppression and infringement upon our Second Amendment further confirming the implementation of Albert Pike’s “New World Order” plan.

Can the good ol’ USA survive this malicious attack?  Only if Americans become engaged!  Those who are “awake” must educate their family, friends, and neighbors who are not yet aware.  Christian and Jewish believers must repent on their knees asking for mercy, grace, strength, and guidance.  Church and synagogue leaders must separate from their 501c3 statuses in order to take off the chains and suppression of preaching the truth! Leadership must surface with real ideas and strategy to restore liberty, freedom, and a free market system.

Finally, believers must witness to Muslims and atheists with love and understanding.  We have “Good News” to share and should not be shamed into silence!  Billy Graham’s son, Franklin Graham, encouraged all Christians to now engage in politics and I passionately agree!! Especially since Major Hasan’s attorney actually argued that his client should not suffer such punishment due to the fact “….his religious beliefs motivated his actions during the shooting.”  How many others will be motivated by their Muslim beliefs to perform such Jihad in America?

It is alleged that a woman asked Benjamin Franklin “what have you done?” after the signing of the Declaration of Independence.  His answer, “a Republic ma’am if you can keep it.”  So I ask all Americans, can we keep it?  The answer is up to each individual and TODAY!


9 thoughts on “Republic or Amerikastan? The Rise of Islam and Communism in America!

  1. LoboSolo

    What has been happening in Texas is voluntary and has been going on for some time. These are civil disputes and this is nothing more than a shape of arbitration. As the writ says, they can always go to the civil court if they are not happy with the arbitration. Folks can chose whatever way of arbitration that they want whether it be Catholic (canon law professionals), Jewish (beth din), muslim (sharia), or the civil court.

    Now, when they want to step out and impose sharia onto non-muslims, then we hav a problem. We’v gone from voluntary arbitration to a theocracy. While most fringe Christen groops only want to be left alone (I think Northern Ireland is about the only place two Christen groops seem bent on killing each other), fringe muslim groops lean the other way. They see dying for Allah as a way out of their miserabl life here on earth to paradise.

    Sadly, witnessing and converting muslims to Christendom only inflames the fringe. The converts are apostates worthy of death. That doesn’t mean that Christens shouldn’t do it, but that isn’t going to solv the problem with the muslim fringe.

    BTW, we lost the republic more than 100 years ago. As much as it pains to me to say it, the US is now under the mob rule of democracy and not a republic. IMHO, that is why we keep sliding farther into the abyss.


  2. Barry Jackson

    Chelene, you are awesome!!! I live in Montreal, Canada. I have just read your words for the first time. Henceforth, consider me the captain of your Canadian fan club.
    Barry Jackson


      1. Barry Jackson

        I loved your “Goodbye America.” This work is the most succinct analysis of the moral collapse threatening America that I have ever read. Thank you. You are wonderful.
        Barry Jackson


  3. kdog

    Very informative article. We as a people must stand strong and never bow down. If that means being labeled as not politically correct or a racist bigot then so be it. It’s their intent to shame the masses into silence rather then stand on their beliefs. The problem is that radical jihad and islam ideology doesn’t allow that and dictates that they use violence to insure that it does. While Christianity is a Religion of Peace in my opinion we also will not be forced to accept an ideology we don’t believe in on our own soil. There’s a very large silent majority that these radical Islamic groups are seriously underestimating if/when they they try to enforce sharia law and the quran on the non-believing infidels. Time will tell.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Barry Jackson

    Right on again. Thank you for sharing your profound moral insight. I’m Canadian. If Hitlery wins, she joins our empty suit leftist prime minister in waging war on the Judeo-Christian heritage that made two of the most successful societies in history. Our vaunted Canadian “values” of diversity and multiculturalism mask the disease of cowardly political correctness.

    Liked by 1 person


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