OFFEND, OFFEND! Jesus “Offended” and Believers/Conservatives Should Follow!

“Clearly the show is not the right fit for you,” …… “I also do not want the show to be so extreme that it alienates the left.”….. Wrote the producer of a new online show allegedly created for Christian, conservative and libertarian female viewers. The producer terminated me in Facebook messenger after her dissatisfaction of my “passion” of the truth and disagreeing with the main host. The producer also included her bullet points for the show which was not shared with me until the termination – two of the points were rather interesting: “To avoid alienating listeners who may be affiliated with an entirely different set of beliefs and political views. * To avoid projecting intolerance and/or disrespect towards those who do not share their belief system including fellow co-hosts.”

No wonder America has a growing Marxist and anti-God movement! Even Obama boasted that America was no longer a Christian nation.  Americans have become far too sensitive to opposing views, the truth and God’s word. Unfortunately far too many Christians have concentrated on a few verses and not the whole context of scripture to just keep turning their other cheek sitting back while the so-called “progressives” aggressively take over the country and remove God from the public square.

Ephesians 6:14

“Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place…”

A couple weeks before the show I received yet another facebook message from a fellow entrepreneur who shared they had “unfriended” another business associate, for which we are both friends, due to their passionate political timeline posts. This entrepreneur, whom I highly respect, stated when it comes to business we should not be vocal about our views publicly. Unfortunately this is an opinion shared by many in network marketing. The Bible is clear we are to be equally yoked in all relationships which include business. (John 15:18-19: “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?”) Therefore I respectfully disagreed with my associate and cited numerous successful, famous businessmen and women who did not shy away from publicly telling their political or religious views. Did my fellow associate became offended or hurt by my stance? No as a matter of fact, he appreciated the dialogue and we continued with a very lovely chat proving that disagreements can be a moment of enlightenment and growth for all participants.

Other individuals must also be frustrated with the whole kumbaya practice within conservative circles as well because recently I have read numerous articles with writers frustrated with the “shrinking violet” mentality of the “right” while the “left” continues their bullying and oft times violent attacks.

Thomas Jefferson once stated: “Question with boldness. Hold to the truth. Speak without fear.” Wise words advised in order to hold onto true liberty. The Founding Fathers verbally argued and even physically brawled due to their own disagreements. They did not concern themselves with “disrespecting or offending” those with opposing viewpoints. If these men had shied away from conflict, a Republic form of government with a Constitution would never had been formed. In fact George Washington warned: “If citizens start to take liberty for granted, if their culture — molded by journalists and writers, preachers and teachers — starts to hold other values in higher esteem, then the spirit that gives life to the Constitution will flicker out.” Obviously the likes of radical Saul Alinsky and Karl Marx took note and devised schemes to transform culture which indeed “molded” today’s media, entertainment, education and religious arenas. Today we are part of a society in which people of faith and conservative values are out-voiced by those with opposing views. In fact one can often hear republican-types apologizing for their words and offering that they are not a “racist” with homosexual and black friends. How many times do we hear those on the left apologizing and stating they have heterosexual and church-attending friends?

Nearly two decades ago a popular Christian book series began – The “Left Behind” novels told an end times story based on the Book of Revelations. In the second book, TRIBULATION FORCE, the Anti-Christ character, Nicolae, shares “…..the opportunity to achieve my lifelong dream, I want peace. I want global disarmament. I want the peoples of the world to live as one….” In the series, Nicolae leads the UN and takes over global communication demanding one viewpoint. Sound familiar?

Indeed the Anti-Christ’s mission is one shared by radicals like Karl Marx and Saul Alinsky, both of whom “honored” Satan in their work. In fact Alinsky declared that Satan was truly the “first radical”. Clearly we see the force of “liberal” views in society today by all means including physical violence. This same group constantly declaring they want “world peace” while showing strong intolerance of Godly and conservative morals.

1 Corinthians 2:14

“The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.”

We should not ever expect those with opposing views to agree or listen to us. God instead commands us to be “the salt of the earth” and with boldness and without apology spread both the Good News and moral truth. We should never cower or be afraid to rebuke a brother or sister in Christ who holds a false view. Remember Jesus so “offended” others that he was crucified to death. One should be honored when they “offend” others for speaking the Godly truth. Jesus even comforted believers to be bold with the following words: John 15:18-19: “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.”

The producer was absolutely correct, her show was not a match for me as I refuse to be silenced or to lose my passion for truth and liberty. Those affiliated with the show may have good intentions, but alas the teachings of Jesus misunderstood. Recently I read a blog on the subject of “offending” and “disrespecting” others which reminded believers to be bold and to “offend” – do not let the title fool you:

For those who read and study scripture they know there will NEVER be “peace” with the wicked. Yes, there will be a period of a false “peace” in which the Anti-Christ rules and believers will be “underground” while still witnessing to save others from eternal death, but the wicked will continue to plot and force their one world agenda. Thus we should heed the words from Proverbs 28:1 – “The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion.”

A few years ago I listened to our church pastor give a sermon on why the “church” was losing membership in our society. He cited a poll in which participants proclaimed they thought Jesus was cool, but they did not like Christians. They provided many reasons including both hypocrisy and not being “truthful” with their messages. Apparently those polled wanted to hear believers share the Gospel truth instead of sugar-coating their messages. However they were attracted to Jesus for his courage and honest ministry regardless if they agreed or not.

Perhaps the thirst for bold truth is one of the reasons, the very outspoken Donald Trump was elected President of the United States, instead of the more “tolerant, meek” republican candidates. Ann Coulter is a both a best-selling author and popular television guest who is always bold and never concerned about “offending or disrespecting” those who disagree with her views. Both Mark Dice and Paul Joseph Watson are rising alternative news voices due to their very outspoken and brash commentary. In fact “liberals” are constantly verbally attacking these two yet they still “listen” to their messages. Why? Because deep down that group wants to hear the truth as we are ALL made in the image of God, thus everyone craves Godly morality, even if they reject it in their own lives! If we intend to reach those who need to hear the truth, then we must do so by following Jesus’ example. Bear in mind, Jesus never said, “Please listen to me. I have a friend who was a prostitute. I do not want to come across as intolerant.”…, instead he boldly demanded, “Give up your life and follow me!”. He even lost his temper in the public square due to the rebellion of those with “opposing” beliefs.

Time for the “right” to stop worrying about “alienating” the “left” or “offending/disrespecting” others with opposing views! This “tolerant” practice is not winning souls or even minds! Wake up and follow the teachings of the Bible: Acts 28:31 – “Proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness and without hindrance.”

If we start practicing boldness and true liberty “free” speech, we will then be able to reach those who oppose us. Like those polled years ago shared, they truly want to hear the courageous TRUTH without apology! Although I do not share the same religious beliefs as Ghandi, I do agree with this famous quote: “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” And “winning” is what we want to accomplish in order to change minds, hearts and souls for eternal life!






7 thoughts on “OFFEND, OFFEND! Jesus “Offended” and Believers/Conservatives Should Follow!

  1. rjdees88

    This is very well written and totally spot on boss.I can’t believe this Robin person showed such tackiness the way she handled this nor can I believe she didn’t know where you stood to begin with.She had obviously heard our show,that’s the whole reason she contacted you in the first place.The time for keeping quiet about a number of issues facing our society and culture has long since passed.Stand on the top of that hill shouting to the distance shores my friend,I’m right there with you and to borrow a phrase from Ron White “I don’t give a fiddlers f**k what people think”….We need to do our own thing anyway.I love you and will always have your back 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. CheleneNightingale Post author

      Thank you kindly Randy. And yes indeed, this producer stated she “knew” my ways from listening to the show and then asked me not to hold back. So either she lied or someone persuaded her to “change” her mind…either way, I definitely am not going to be silenced.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. sisterpatriot

    I couldn’t agree with you more, Chelene. Your boldness for the Lord & your passion for our country are what make you, YOU! It’s why so many people love you & I am honored to call you a friend. Terminating you is their loss. It’s shocking how many on our own side seem to be straddling the fence. Maybe what we’re seeing is the separating of wheat from the chaff. Keep speaking the truth. Our world needs more people like you.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. sisterpatriot

    Reblogged this on Sister Patriot and commented:
    I don’t often re-blog articles, but if I do it has to be good. THIS is good & a must read. Written by former CA Gubernatorial Conservative candidate, host of The Wake UP Mission Radio Show, unapologetic Christian, strong Patriot & a friend of mine. Chelene Nightingale. Relating a recent experience she had & shining a light on Conservative Christians amongst us. Her experience truly astonished me. Now more than ever we need boldness. Boldness for Christ & boldness for Liberty. Just like I always say…. speak up for what is RIGHT! This is one you won’t want to miss. ~~Sister Patriot

    Liked by 1 person

  4. CheleneNightingale Post author

    Update: The show producer and other hosts blocked me and others associated with me on Facebook after my blog was released. Someone shared that one of the hosts simply stated my blog was “grandstanding”. Scripture and truth are not about applause…it is about winning souls for eternal life. Blocking people associated with me simply proves this new show does not want true free speech or opposing views.



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